Registering a design affords protection of the unique design of an object that does not have any functional value in using the product. Meaning, the fact that a door has a handle, for example, and the fact that it is designed in a way that permits your hand to grasp it, are functional elements of a product. However, certain carvings and designs on the handle that were intended for the purpose of creating an aesthetic look are eligible for design registration if they are new and original and were not published in Israel in the past.
Registration of a design grants the exclusive right to use the design registered for 15 years.
During the design registration process, the applicant must submit schematics that define the scope of its protection and at times, respond to objections by the design examiners at the Patent and Design Office, as well as to conduct related proceedings.
When a right in a registered design is infringed, the victim can file a lawsuit and even petition for temporary injunctions and court orders from a court of competent jurisdiction.
Our firm has extensive experience in protecting and registering designs.