The field of intellectual property law is composed of a network of laws that together provide comprehensive protection to rights holders.
An important part of this protective web is the Commercial Torts Law, 5759 – 1999, that includes a number of “torts” – meaning, causes of action in tort relating to fair trade that together with protections afforded to patents, trademarks, and copyrights, supplement the protection provided to the rights owners.
The commercial torts listed in the law include passing off, false description, and unfair interference in trade. Another chapter in the law provides protection to trade secrets. [Link to page]
Our firm has extensive experience in commercial torts including lawsuits based on passing off, false representation, and unfair interference in trade.
Our clients in the field of commercial torts include the Yarka Food Center, Sano, and Il Makiage.
Our firm’s services in the field of commercial torts include: